Don't let your past rob your future. Each new day is a chance to make a new beginning. Count your blessings, live w/ gratitude.
Never forget where you've been. Never lose sight of where you're going never take for granted the people who travel the journey with you.
The saddest thing about BETRAYAL is that it never comes from your enemies.
If you rush it, you won't be prepared for it when it arrives. Allow nature to take its course without trying to force.
Sometimes the one who walked away was not punishing you. They were giving you a gift. There is a such thing as good bye.
The past is just a story.. and once you realize this, it has no power over you.
Sometimes you need to be alone, in order to find out who you really are and what you really want out of life
Don't find reasons to stay with someone who always finds a reason to not better their future with you.
Don't give up! One day you'll look back and be glad you didn't.
People may not always tell you how they feel about you, but they will always show you.
The sad thing is…we spend the first half of our lives planning the future, and the second half reliving the past
Never let your fear decide your fate.
Don't worry about people who don't worry about you.
If someone shows you their true colours, don't try to repaint them.
जख़्म हल्का सा है नासूर हो जायेगा ना जाने कौन कितना
मजबूर हो जायेगा । कीमत समझो बूंद बूंद पानी की
वर्ना देश का कोना कोना लातूर" हो जायेगा.
अगर आपकी वजह से किसी की ज़िन्दगी में कोई तकलीफ़ आए तो उसकी ज़िन्दगी से ऐसे निकल जाना चाहिए जैसे कभी उसकी ज़िन्दगी में आए ही नहीं.
💕अक्सर उन लोगो के "दिल ” टूटे होते हैं
जो सबका "दिल ” रखने की कोशिश करते हैं💕